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Where the wild things are. We are so lucky at Breeze parks to have some pretty insane wildlife that visit our parks (or near our parks) on the regular.

Read ahead to find the best spots to find your favourite Aussie animals.

But don’t forget these are still wild animals, so don’t get too close, just sit back and observe them in their natural habitat.



Let’s be honest, an Aussie camping holiday would not be complete without spotting a kangaroo in the wild. We are especially lucky as these guys are pretty much permanent residents in our bushland parks. Wake up to see them basking in the early morning sun, take that midday siesta under a shady tree or having a quick feed on a camping site. In Spring time the joeys start emerging, so make sure you pay attention to witness the extra cuteness!

Best Places to Visit

  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Cania Gorge
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Carnarvon Gorge (pictured)
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Eildon
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Katherine
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Rainbow Beach
  • Breeze Holiday Parks – Grampians
  • Breeze Holiday Parks – Halls Gap



One of our more rarer species, you’ll have to be on your absolute best behaviour to be able to spot one of these guys in the wild. Dawn and dusk are you best times to spot this elusive species, make sure you stay very quiet and make minimal movements, this allows the platypus to feel more comfortable in its environment. Therefore it will be more likely that you will spot one swimming along.

Best Place to Visit

  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Carnarvon Gorge (pictured)



These spiky, slow moving little guys are somewhat reclusive in their nature, which makes spotting one a pretty special and unique moment. Despite this echidnas are actually Australia’s most wide spread native mammal, they can be found in most habitats, from snowy-mountains to deserts. Look among the rocks, hollow logs and in holes among tree routes to try and spot an echidna, they can be tricky to spot as they are masters of camouflage.

Best Place to Visit

  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Carnarvon Gorge (pictured)
  • Breeze Holiday Parks – Grampians
  • Breeze Holiday Parks – Halls Gap



An abundance of birds flock to Breeze parks in all shapes and sizes. From the big guy emus, to our laughing kookaburras to the tiny little finches, there are plenty of feathered friends just waiting for you. If you are a true bird lover at Cania Gorge you can even participate in our afternoon bird feeds, experience bright red king parrots, colourful lorikeets and cheeky cockatoos. They even love a quick chat in the morning!

Best Place to Visit

  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Cania Gorge (pictured)
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Carnarvon Gorge
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Katherine
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Rainbow Beach
  • Breeze Holiday Parks – Halls Gap
  • Breeze Holiday Parks – Grampians



We love a turtle here at Breeze, and we’re got two parks where you get the chance to spot a turtle in the wild. From Rainbow Beach head up to the Double Island Lighthouse, gorgeous green turtles can often be seen basking off the headland. When you are visiting Carnarvon Gorge make sure you pay attention to the creeks as sometime you will be able to spot a Krefft’s river turtle or a saw-shelled turtle!

Best Place to Visit

  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Carnarvon Gorge(pictured)
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Rainbow Beach


Whales & Dolphins

Finally we hit the big guys, those incredible sea dwelling mammals. Dolphins can often been found playing in the bays of Busselton as well as surfing the waves of Rainbow Beach and K’gari. From May to September make sure you are looking out to sea to witness the incredible migration of the whales. See them head north to warmer waters before returning with their not so tiny calves back home.

Best Place to Visit

  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Busselton (pictured)
  • BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Rainbow Beach